Vasantha and Luke’s wedding celebration, nestled near Ann Arbor on Luke’s parent’s property, was an intimate and heartfelt fusion of cultures, brimming with touching moments. The day unfolded with a blend of traditions, creating a unique and special experience for everyone involved.
The bride, Vasantha, exuded kindness and generosity. There wasn’t a moment the entire day she wasn’t smiling. One of my favorite moments of the wedding was Vasantha’s mother and mother-in-law sharing a moment on the porch just before Vasantha walked out in her wedding dress for the first time. The photographs captured the authentic moments that followed perfectly.
Another special moment, imbued with significance, arrived later in the day. Vasantha’s mother, placing Vasantha’s hands in Luke’s parents’ hands, entrusted their daughter to their care with these touching words: “She is your daughter now too, take care of her.” This act of love and trust encapsulates the essence of this intimate fusion wedding.
Click here to view Vasantha and Luke’s Haldi Ceremony